Friday, December 18, 2009

Sociology of Schools: Connecting Education and Poverty

Know: The factors that account for educational growth.
Understand: The relationships between poverty and education
Be able to do: Examine a poverty simulation and compare the game to issues in American education.

Step 1: Play the game Ayiti: the cost of life (focus on Education)

Step 2: Discuss with a neighbor the following questions:
  • What was the correlation between choices made, your respective outcomes, and the constraints faced within the game?
  •  How the did your own lives and situations compare and contrast with those of the family members in the game?
  • Did you have any gender bias when you assigned different activities to the family members?
  • What was the role of education in terms of prosperity? i.e. more education = more prosperity?

    Step 3: Compare the game to the American educational issues you found in your study of schools.

    Step 4: Watch the document called "College Summit"

    Step 5: Answer the question:

    Does education have the ability to overcome impoverished circumstances? Explain. (Refer to College Summit, our discussion, and ayiti)

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I think that in those kind of extreme circumstances, education isn't always the answer as much as people like to think it is. I lasted the longest with all of the family alive during the game where i didn't give any of the family members an education. Instead I just had them work, and go to the hospital when they were deathly ill. That's all that they could really do, if not all of them were working, then they would go into debt, which would result in not being able to pay for hospital bills, which would result in death.
    After thinking about it, i've realized that even in poverty stricken areas like these, there is still a viscious poverty cycle. Those that are in severe poverty, have no choice but have every able family member work in order to have enough money just to keep everyone alive, but the best jobs are reserved for the people with an education, which these people are unable to get.