Thursday, May 26, 2011

Targeting the Audience: How Mass Media Specializes by Race

1. Do most of the shows you watch on major network TV feature White actors? Have you ever really thought about the lack of minority leading characters in major network shows? How are the minority group characters portrayed in the shows you watch?

2. Do you think that it is important for minority group figures to be visible on major network television? Why or why not?

Refer to our data set created today.


Ian said...

1. I don't really watch TV at all, yet when I do, most of the shows feature white people as the main characters. I have thought about the lack of minoriy main characters, and it's boring because the white people play the same roles. All the time. And the minority's usually play the "less-than-decent" roles in TV and Movies.

2. Yes, the Minority groups need to be equally represented in the Media. America is "equal" officially, but to the people, they may not be fully equal when everyone can be a star.

Valerie said...

Most of the shows I watch show a balance between actors but for the most parth there are more white actors than black. The minority groups in the shows I watch show a lot of minorities as poor and trying to work their way up the social ladder. For example, Everybody Hates Chris.

Valerie said...

Yes I think minority groups need to be equally represented in the media because the media is what sets social norms and lets people decide what is normal and what is unacceptable.If they balance out the media more it will open up a whole new gate for people to believe they can achieve some of the status that society has set.

Jaquan said...

I think most TV shows should have a equal amount of whites and blacks. Most shows i see have just one minority person surrounded by white people and sometimes it looks weird. It should be a little more diverse. According to the data we got alot of our shows have alot of minorities.

Fontaine said...

In most TV shows the people that have leading rolls are usually white. If there are any minorities in the show they tend to have a lower position than the white actor with the leading roll. Whats even worse is when a show is made around a minority who has a leading roll and it does horrible.

Valerie said...

I agree with Ian that the minority groups are always given the undecent roles in tv shows. Such as thiefs, murders, drug addicts and other undecent and degrading roles.

Valerie said...

I agree with Jaquan that many times its only one or two minority people and they are usually surrounded by white people. Not only that but, in most these shows the white people pave the way for the minorities. Or are above the minorities.

Fontaine said...

One of the most prominent shows that protray minorities horribly is Law and Order. Whenever theres a minority in the episode most of the time they're the person that does the victimizing.

Brandon L. said...

1. Most of the shows that I watch do feature white actors. When I watch the shows I don't think about the lack of minority leading characters because I'm just trying to watch a good show. The minority characters in the shows I watch are mainly educated and don't really do anything that stereotypical to their race.

2. No, because it's about making a good show that people will watch. It shouldn't really matter if a popular show doesn't have minority leading. character.

James said...

For a while now tv isn't my priority and i barely watch it, but sometimes i'll walk by a show and most of the time the lead characters are white. it doesn't bother me much, but it does show that there's diversity in some shows, but not that much.

kevin said...

Yes, most of the TV shows/ movies i watch feature white people if not all white people. there are not many shows that have an all black cast. i think every time i see a show i find myself saying where all the black people at, even if there were used as a background character but now a days you dont even see that. normally the minority is portrayed as the funny guy or the trouble maker, or that 1 random outcast thats just awkward. and yes i think it is important for minority groups of all kinds to be visible, right now the media is making it seem only white people can make it.

James said...

for some people, race is a big thing for them in some shows. In a way, many shows do not have a true balance of minorities. usually they're just catalysts for jokes

Danielle said...

i think mass midia specializes by race becouse you always see in movies the black person die. i think that are media today has found it funny to make a joke out of the black community and other races apart from white.

Danielle said...

i agree with jaquan that tv showes should have an equal balance of white and black. it should be a manditory thing for all showes to be equal as long as its a show consisting of open topics.

Danielle said...

i also agree with TJ that tv showes today have alot of white leading roles. its very hard to have a main cast thats black and lasts or is good.