Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Living Old:Steps for America

Prepare a PowerPoint report about Living Old In America:

How can we best adapt to our aging population?

Give a five step about how we can deal with our aging population.

Step 1:  What are the statistics and trends about aging? What do we need still need to research?

Step 2: What steps to we need to in terms or healthcare, housing, retirement funding? What does the research say?

Step 3: What cultural changes do we need to make to accomodate the aging population? What does the research say about this?

Step 4: What education or outreach do we need to make to politicians and policymakers? What groups are working on this issue?

Step 5: What are the challenges for families and children of aging people? How will you help them? What does the research say?

Possible Resources:

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