Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who won the debate? How does race matter in this presidential race?


Jesse D'Amato said...
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Jesse D'Amato said...

I think Obama won the presidential debate because Obama executed his rebuttles greatly, despite being constantly interrupted by McCain.
Debates are all about how the person can answer the questions better than the other in addition to knowning the opponent's views on certain topics. This did not go well for McCain because he did not actually know Obama's stance on economics and had to be corrected throughout the debate.
Appearance wise, Obama still won due to his strong and un-waivering composure. McCain on the other hand seemed more nervous and unprepared.

Race, in this presidential election, depends on two factors:
Personal views on race
and Personal views on Government.

Personal views on race can interfere with this Election because, (for example) if someone were raised in a 'racist' family, the person of that upbringing is most likely to vote for the non-black candidate.
On the other hand, if the person's views are stronger than the racial views, the person will not care if the person is of a different race.

Anonymous said...

I am undecided on who won the debate. I thought both candites did a good job. However, i am a democrate, so i am in favor of Obama. If had to pick a one tho i would say Obama. His views were exzactly what i wanted to hear and would want. Specically, on student loans and making them avaible. I am about to head off into college and i will need loans, so i will need them to be avaible. Race matters in this debate because this is the first time there has ever been a black man for a candiate for presidence. So votes might vote or might not vote in sight of that.

William Gordon said...

The debate was even in the matter that Obama did a great job explaining his plan to the point. But McCain did get good come backs in which his best arguement was about Joe the plumber in which he stated Obama wanted to take money from hard workers like Joe the plummer and give to the poorer in order to smallen the gap beetween the rich and poor.