Friday, October 3, 2008

The Vice-Presidential Debate: The Middle Class, Taxes, and The Economy

After watching the candidates for Vice-President debate the various issues, make a decision about which candidate best addressed the issues of the Middle Class, Taxes, and The Economy. Cite at least three examples of what they from the debate that show support your claim. Here is the link to the transcript of the debate:

Here is the link to the video:

You may also cite the Hartford Courant which you read for our schema activator on Friday in class.


Robert Cotto Jr said...

Testing the blog

William Gordon said...

Joe Biden
- Pointed Out Lie That Sarah stated Obama voted for Tax increase in which he did not and in fact John voted for it hundred of times
-Joe States that he wants to look for different methods of supplying energy and Sarah Says she wants to "Drill, Drill, And Drill"
- Joe Wants to Raise taxes for people making over $250,000 and reduce taxes for people making under $150,000

rohan wilson jr said...

After watching the vice presidental debate, i think that Joe Biden, best addressed the problems facing the middle class. That is because, when questions were asked he actually answered them. Unlike Sarah Palin, who dodged every question that was asked by trying to go back to something that was brought up earlier in the debate. It also seemed as if she had no clue what she was talking about. Joe Biden, better addressed the issues concerning the middle class, because he talked about fairness, and how it was not fair for the people making over 250,000 dollars to get tax breaks; he proposed a tax increase for them. He also talked about how companies such as Exxon mobile should not get any tax breaks, because that takes away billions of possible tax dollars.