Monday, November 17, 2008

Ladies First: Feminism and Government

What are your thoughts on the film, "Ladies First"?

Give at least two examples from the film or the article, "Accidental Feminists."


Anonymous said...

My thoughts on the film are simply put as women are becoming more agressive to get themselevs known. It is one of the best new ideas that is being put into action. from the film we saw a woman running the task force and completing marriages which is mostly known for men or a job that most men complete. I feel that it is refreshing to see a woman take charge in communities and finally have their voice heard. It keeps the world at the steady balance we need to free ourselves from the evryday chaos.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts about the movie is women in Rawanda are making a name for themselfs in the country and to the world. Reputaion showing exzactly who they are becoming. Stronger, powerful, smarter and selfsufficant. You can easily tells this because in the movie women are becoming more educated and joining politics. Women now make a great precentage of the parilament. Little by little women are moving up in Rawanda, from the days of the gencide to now present day.