Monday, February 7, 2011

Chapter 3 Cullture: Norms and Values

Select a group of 2-4 students and discuss the following question: (Each person should have between 2-3 entries and your should respond to question and refer back to class texts)

You are a high school principal. What norms would you want to govern the students' behavior? What values would you think important for your staff and students to follow? How might these norms or values differ from those appropriate for college students?

Due Date: Monday February 14, 2011

1 comment:

Xianni said...

i think wearing whatever you want to wear would be a norm. if a student gets out of control i think i would continue with the same punishments that any school would do. i think the values are somewhat simiar but i would be more lenient on the students because there is a reason behind every situation.