Thursday, November 19, 2009

Deviance and Race: W.E.B. Dubois Social Study

Know: The type of research in the Philadelphia Negro

Understand: The deep social reasons for a increased crime rate for Black people in Philadelphia's Seventh Ward

Be able to do: Analyze data tables to uncover the reasons for increased crime rate
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Dubois' study.

Homework: Review the documents for a writing workshop tomorrow.

Step 1: Schema: Story about a "badger" thief

Step 2: Discuss any final thoughts about Bill Cosby's comments.

Step 3: Introduction to the Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study

Step 4: Analyze the data for the Seventh Ward of Philadelphia.

What are the strengths of the community? What are the weaknesses?

Record your thoughts on Handout 3

Step 5: Based on your analysis, why might Black folks had been accused of being more deviant and criminal? What were some of the problems of the community that made them more open to accusations of criminality? What were the social factors that encouraged or discouraged crime in the Sventh Ward? Refer to the documents.

Step 6: Respond on the blog your thoughts about the seventh ward.
Step 7: View clips from Black in America Part II
Step 8: Closing thoughts


Bingham_92 said...

Based on the circumstance that Blacks endured during this time period is probably a major factor why they were doing inferior compared to the white community. They were paces behind them and did not have the same advantages and abilities as everyone else.

Robert Cotto Jr said...

Bingham 92,
What sort of circumstances did black folks in the seventh ward have to endure? Be specific about which circumstances. As you probably found, there were a variety of strengths as well as weaknesses in the social fabric of Philadelphia in 1898.

Dijon said...

based on the documents i have read in class, it is likely that many deviant acts rerecorded may have been false. i think that many people may have been accused of being criminals, because at this point in history slaver was just ending and many people had a bad connotation. so if there was a crime, it is likely that it would have been placed on a black person.
in the schema we read in class (11/19)it said that at this time crime was commonly blamed on black people.
another reason why black people may have been seen as criminals is because many black people were uneducated and if they were persecuted they were most likely to poor to defend themselves affectively, so it was easy to blame a black person in the past.

ladii_haz said...

Black folks could be called more deviant because of of our society. Some of the problems would be crime. More and more crime happens everyday. The rates for crime increases and becomes more serious.

ladii_haz said...

Oh....nd Ladii_haz is Cheyenne =)

Anonymous said...

In this time period, there were still a lot of extremely racist people. A lot of black people lived in the lower class neighborhoods, and held a lot of the lower class jobs. In a lot of cases they were jobs where they worked for white poeople. So, in that society white people saw black people as below them, and more likely to be deviant.

Robert Cotto Jr said...

Be specific when you mention "being poor" "living environments", "income". We discussed "strengths" and "weaknesses" in order to have a more refined view of the issues brought up in this study.

Robert Cotto Jr said...

Those are strong inferences that you made. In fact, many of the things that you mention could have been factors in understanding the perceived criminality and discriminatory justice towards Black folk in the 7th ward. What facts or information can you specifically point to support your inferences?

Robert Cotto Jr said...

Is our discussion of deviance, it was important to remember that we were discussing the time in 1896 when DuBois did his study on Philadelphia. What from the selected documents helped to understand why Black folks would have been more vulnerable to crime and the perception of deviance too?

Robert Cotto Jr said...

Colleen you made a profound statement based on a social fact that you read about. Be more specific about your claim here, "A lot of black people lived in the lower class neighborhoods, and held a lot of the lower class jobs." Which jobs were Blacks involved in? What role might the type of work played in the issue of crime and discrimination?