Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gender Roles: Women in the MIlitary

Should women serve in the military?

Use examples from videos, readings, texts, your own research to make your case. You should have at least three entries. One where you state your case and two others where you respond to other students.


Kevin said...

Yes, if women want to join the military they should be able to, now that videos like this is out they are well aware of the dangers that could happen in joining so if in the end they still want to join so be it, its there choice who are we to tell them other wise.

Miguel said...

I think that women should be able to serve in the millitary because they are becoming more and more powerful in every other aspect of life. Also as a military hopeful myself, I see no reason for woman to be turned away from the military. If we can pass the same tests as the men and do everything that they can do, then why would we be turned away because of the way that we were born. Also, the military has education options, like paying for college. If someone said that women don't belong in the military, and should be turned away, then they are also saying that women should be turned away from college options.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kevin, women should be able to join the military if they want. When it comes 2 making logical decisions studies have shown that women (as opposed to men) are less likely to act out of logic than aggression (which can lead to a bad result.)

Robert Cotto Jr said...

Kevin and Miguel,

Please try to cite data and information from the links or other articles that you have found. Also, you can refer to the stories of the women in the video.

-Mr. Cotto

Nathan said...

women should join the military if they are going to fight for equal rights. In todays society, there no longer is a mans job versus a womans job so if a woman wants to be a police officer, then some women are expected to service time in the military.

Robert Cotto Jr said...


Good introduction of the whole idea of the gender roles. Do you have some info/data from the links to support your ideas?

-Mr. Cotto

Courtney said...

Yes in my mind the question is not whether or not women should be allowed to serve in the military, that is a given. The real question is whether or not the same set of rules should apply to women regarding military service. While there is no question that women should be allowed to serve, it is clear that rules must be put in place to keep them from being victimized.

Ian said...

I think that Women have the choice to join the military, but the officers, and the military in general should keep an eye on them, so that nothing happens. Im all for freedom of choice and stuff, but some men are less-than-noble, so certain precautions must be made in order for them to train, fight, and serve in the service.

Jaquan said...

Its a choice to be in the military and if women make that decision then they should know about these things before going. In todays video, it showed women what can happen when you go to the militarily surrounded by men. By going your already taking a risk from being raped from the men there that is separated from there girlfriends or wives. No one can really stop the women from going to the military. Most women believe they can do the same stuff men do so thats why they try to do the same things we do. Like Miguel said the military does offer free money to pay for your college so that makes a lot of people think about that.

Jesus said...

I think that its your choice if you want to join the military or not. Gender to me doesn't matter because their are defintely women out who can do what we men do. Basically whether you are a man or woman you can go do whatever you want in life, and if that thing you want to do is go in the military then so be it

Dyllan said...

in 2006, 2947 sexual assaults occurred in the armed forces. Just one sexual assault is too many. If women want there rights in the armed forces, they would have to fight a different battle, the one against the men. they need to be separated from the males so no temptation can be risked at all.

Dyllan said...

According to the fact sheet... " the majority of the offenders in these cases were military personal"- which means we could have to do background checks on anyone who may have a bad sexual or criminal background, male or female.

Danielle said...

i think that woman should have every right to join the military if they want to. After watching the videos about sexual abuse in the military i think its risky but still a very powerful thing to do. In the world today women are takin for a joke and when looked at as a military figure you get respect

Danielle said...

i agree with jaquan going to the military is a womens choice and it does have a great outcome.
i also agree a little with dyllan that women should be separated from the males so no temptation can be risked at all.

Brandon L. said...

I think that women should be able to join the military but they should be aware of the risk that comes with joining. Like for instance on it was displaying how 60% of the women in the service experienced sexual trauma. As long as women are aware of these kind of statistics then they could join because they can do basically anything that the men can do in the service.

Brandon L. said...

I agree with Danielle to a certain extent about women be looked at as jokes when it comes to do certain jobs. I think when do jobs like serve for the country then they will be respected more amongst people and gender won't really be looked at if you do a job like that. I think some women realize it according to it said about 119,000 women have served in Iraq

Brandon L. said...

I agree with Miguel because the military is also a way of helping women pay for college. They can do the same stuff men do so I don't see why women can be denied to join the military.

Valerie said...

Yes women should be able to join the military. If women are common in the military then we wouldn't have all the problems that we do in the military. Based on PBS NOW women in the military are often sexually harassed. So the more women we have in the military the more women that can fight against harassment and maybe the problem will be more widely recognized. Sexism is a big problem and by denying women the right to serve we are making women second class citizens like we have done since the beginning of life.

Valerie said...

I agree with Miguel when he says that women are becoming more powerful and by them being in the military we are encouraging their power. A lot of women as well as men are smart and by working side by side we can change a lot of the military tactics and make our military more powerful than it is right now.

Jaquan said...

I agree with dyllan about separating the women from men because then they wont be able to be raped.It will most likely be better because then they wont have to worry about the women surrounding them.

Valerie said...

I agree with Courtney 100 percent the question deals with whether the same rules should apply to women because the women that did serve were harassed and taken advantage of and that is why we are discussing if women should be in the military. If these actions are not addressed in the military then we are giving society the advantage of thinking it is okay and that everyone should be able to get away with rape and sexual harassment.

Kevin said...

i think that women should know all the dangers of going in to the military other than the obvious war dangers.if they understand that women are an easy target when it comes to rape and because they are the weaker of the two on the military base then i dont see why they cant join. but its there choice in the end.

Jeremy said...

Women should understand that they aren't only at risk just by being in the military. They need to know that 60% of women in the national guard have reported sexual assult of some kind. There are several unreported cases im sure or those who come forward much later which would make 60% less accurate. If women do want to join the military they should know the risks, otherwise it is perfectly fine serving their country.

Jeremy said...

I agree with Courtney, that certain rules should be changed and Dyllan's idea about having the women and men in different areas. Also background checks into men and women to see if they have sexual harrasment or sexual conduct issues.

James said...

If a woman wants to join into the army, that is her choice, but they should take classes to learn proper protection from harassment.

James said...

there is a site that is dedicated to women who are in the military that helps women decide if they want to or condition themselves for whats to come.

Anonymous said...

im agreeing with nobody because i hate women